Announcing Yuva Summit 2014

Posted on Saturday, November 23, 2013 by LEAD

One student invents a low-cost carrot cleaning machine that is helping hundreds of farmers save precious time and money.  Another student convinces the Gram Panchayath to fund Rs. 2 lakh for the construction of a water tank and street lights in her village.  And yet another one initiates a chain of bus stand cleanings throughout the state.  With the motto "Complaints start with 'They', solutions start with 'I" in mind, 15,000 LEAD students from 70 colleges across 3 states and 11 districts are building their leadership skills as they implement innovative ideas to solve problems in their communities. 

On January 19th and 20th, 2014, thousands of academicians, entrepreneurs and enthusiastic youth will assemble for the fourth annual Yuva Summit, an international conference focused on instilling leadership, development and entrepreneurship among youth.  On this occasion, young college students of the Deshpande Foundation's LEAD Program showcase their innovative leadership projects that they have initiated. Students implement projects within a vast landscape, cutting across the sectors of health, education, agriculture, livelihoods, technology and more.. Higher education faculties and academicians from different academic backgrounds take part to hear and share the success stories of young LEADers and notable speakers. 

Please save the date as we invite you to bring your own understanding and experience to Yuva Summit 2014. 

Register to bring your own understanding and experience to Yuva Summit 2014

For more information about the event, please contact +91 9686654748.

 LEAD,Deshpande Foundation, DCSE Buliding,Vidyanagar, Hubli-580031, Karnataka

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