Hubli LEADer Dreams of Better Vision for a Better India

Posted on Sunday, November 10, 2013 by LEAD

People who live in slum areas rarely have the resources to receive proper medical attention, and even when they do get an opportunity to check up on their health, very few people focus on eye care.  LEADer Pratiksha of KLEIT, Hubli, wanted to improve the eye health of people living in slum areas.  With collaboration and support from Vasan Eye Care, Pratiksha conducted an eye testing camp in Vasantnagar, Keshwapur, Hubli.  For two days, Pratiksha gathered people from throughout six different areas and convinced them to attend the camp.  Pratiksha's eye testing camp helped 203 people get their eyes checked free of charge.  In addition, people were offered a 10% discount for eye treatments and 5% discount for surgery. 

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