Coimbatore LEADer Helps Save 500 L. of Water Daily

Posted on Monday, February 03, 2014 by LEAD

On her way to college every day, LEADer V S Ramya from ECE, Coimbatore, used to see lots of water getting wasted because of a broken tap.  This problem had persisted for one year without a solution. She approached the Chinniyampalayam Panchayat and demanded a solution.  After several approaches, they eventually decided to support her efforts.  They soon discovered that there were several broken taps like Ramya had seen that were leading to lots of water wastage.  With support of the Panchayat, Ramya purchased new taps to install and replace the broken ones.  Ramya also educated the local people about the dangers of water wastage.  Because of Ramya's project, more than 200 people are benefiting from the 500 liters of water that are being saved daily.

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