LEAD Valedictory 2014 at Gulbarga

Posted on Monday, July 21, 2014 by LEAD

The 2014 LEAD Valedictory function was held on April 7th, 2014, at N.V. Degree College, Gulbarga. Leaders got special reorganization and gratitude for the accomplishments and initiatives, in the presence of Special Guests of Honor, Principals, Faculties and Leaders of different colleges from Gulbarga & Bidar. The event attracted and unified over 250 students along with their parents from different colleges of Gulbarga.

The Honorable guests for the gathering were Mr. R.N.Rao (Acting president-N.V Society Gulbarga), Dr. G.S. Kulkarni Principal - N.V Degree College), Dr. Anandatheerth Kittur (Vice Principal, N.V. Degree college) Dr. Channavir Rachayya (HOD- MSW Dept Central University Gulbarga) and Mr. Naveen Jha (CEO - Deshpande Foundation).

The event began with an introduction by Dr. Anandatheerta Kittur (Vice Principal- N.V. Degree College & LEAD Faculty co-ordinator) who shared about the activities conducted by the LEADers which brought in some tremendous impact which inspired other students to involve with them in future activites, and also a few words by Mr. Naveen Jha (CEO- Deshpande Foundation) inspired the LEADers by speaking about the power and potential of the youth to instigate positive change in India. 

LEADers implemented projects to create solutions for unresolved problems in their communities through funding, support, and guidance from the LEAD team at Deshpande Foundation.

Leaders showcased their project through photographs and displaying around 45+ project charts which were highly appreciated by all. Creative charts were presented to showcase the best initiatives taken by leaders under LEAD activities.

Leaders shared their experiences. Shrinidhi said that, she had an urge to attend the LEAD Prayana program but she could not afford to pay the fees. She took it as a challenge and managed to arrange the fees through sponsors. After returning from Prayana shetook initiative to organize a rural camp through which she learnt how to face challenges, how to solve problems and many more.

The guests appreciated the students work and rewarded the best in various categories:
Category Of Awards
Best Project
2.Kalyan Kumar
S.B Arts College
NV Degree College
Best Innovative Project
N.V Degree College
Best Leader
Sudeep Kumar
GND Engineering
Social Media intern
PDA engineering
Best Active Volunteer, Master Leader and Lead Ambassador
N.V Degree College
Best Supportive Faculty
Dr. Channavir
(HOD) MSW - Central University Gulbarga
Best Supporting College Award
N V Degree, College, Gulbarga
N V Degree College, Gulbarga

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