Systematic Parking by LEADer Sushant

Posted on Wednesday, February 25, 2015 by LEAD

Great LEADers like Mahatma Gandhi, Buddha have always stressed upon leading a disciplined life . However, most of the Indians have become ignorant about adopting discipline in their life.

Sushant of Karanataka Science College, Dharwad observed the parking lot of his college and noticed the amount of indiscipline in the parking of vehicles.  He was disturbed by this and thought of bringing in some change and order. Hence he took up the project of  “Systematic Parking “.

LEADer Sushant decided to paint the parking lot area and create bifurcations for parking of vehicles. Initially, he took the permission of the Principal of his college to execute his idea. Once he got the permission, he formed a team and started working.

LEADer Sushant divided the task among his team members.  Two of them brought paint and brushes. Other two cleaned the ground with broom. Once the ground was clean; they painted the lines for parking the vehicles. It would force the vehicle owners to park the vehicle in a slot. 

Many people pay least attention in parking the vehicles. However, this small act of Sushant brought in a system and an order in parking vehicles of staff and students of Karnataka University College.

Sushant in this whole process realized the responsibilities of a team leader and developed team spirit. His team were Apoorva, Priyadarshini, Manju, Girish. 

LEADer Sushant says “I learned that even the tiniest work is important and we should appreciate the other people who work for the discipline of the society”. Sushant is glad that he contributed to his college and at the same time became a LEADer. Sushant says with a chuckle "Its like two birds with one shot".

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