Contribution to the innovative learning!!           Education is almost one of the basic necessity these days but what about the real learning which is acquired from certain experiments?             The LEADers of git college belagavi took a thoughtful step to reach out to the...

No doubt they cannot speak our language,but this girl can hear their grief!!

My compassion towards my fellow beings .             LEADer Divya Hiremath of KLEMSSCET Belagavi is a person with immense care  and consideration to the fellow creatures.She observed the difficulty that the birds face during summers .Most of the water of the water sources for them are dried hence...


"Knowledge is life and sharing it is a deed" “Learning is knowledge absorbance that strikes the best of the learner”. Grammar is the pillar of the command over one’s language all over the globe. We all learn languages as a subject or as a source to communicate but we at most forget how keen the rules of learning “Grammar” are. We...

Engineers on a mission to proliferate the importance of Biofuel

INTERNATIONAL BIOFUEL DAY- WHEELS POWERED BY WASTE COOKING OIL         A bus running on biodiesel produced from waste cooking oil went out on a rally in the streets of Chitradurga reaching out to the common people and creating awareness. The depletion of fossil fuels has been a major problem for the human...

Reframing Friendship with (G)olden people.

Our celebration with our well wishers!!! “Friendship is the purest love. It's the highest form of love where nothing is asked for, no condition, where one simply enjoys giving .”-Osho         The first Sunday of August is celebrated as friendship day worldwide in order to cherish...

Protecting Deer by LEADer Mahalinga KS

LEADer Mahalinga KS from Veershaiva College Bellary realized that in his region, there was a critical situation of deer being killed. First, he and his team collected data through qualitative measures such as asking neighbouring people, exploring the areas where deer are found, and speaking with forest officials. They also collected any...

My Story: Yuvaraj Patil

My Story: Yuvaraj Patil, VSMIT Nipani There was one day which turned my life towards achievement. Our sir at college came and informed us to join one programme. We all went it to the presentation... it was the LEAD program. I got impressed by listening about LEAD and by watching the project videos. I saw the LEAD slogan: "complaints...

Head-Controlled Computer Mouse by LEADer Shadab

LEADer Shadab from NTTF College Belur invented the "Head Mouse". Shadab reasoned that some people with developmental and locomotive disabilities cannot use their hands to operate a computer mouse. In this project, he developed a hands-free computer mouse that moves the cursor according to the movement of our head. The clicks and double...

Helping Blind Students by LEADer Jyoti H

Some times blind students face problems in writing examinations because the examination board allows one person to attend the examination along with the blind candidate. But what happens if sometime the supporting member does not catch their sentences properly? It will effect their result. LEADer Jyoti H from Jigular Women's College thought...

Educational Trip for Poor Children by LEADer Saibindu and Shashidhar

Children getting off the bus in Hampi Without any resources, destitute children lack to ability to explore and learn about the world around them. LEADers Saibindu and Shashidhar from Veerashaiva College wanted to give the opportunity to these children to do that which they would otherwise never get the chance. Saibindu and Shashidhar...