Engineers on a mission to proliferate the importance of Biofuel

Posted on Thursday, August 11, 2016 by LEAD


        A bus running on biodiesel produced from waste cooking oil went out on a rally in the streets of Chitradurga reaching out to the common people and creating awareness. The depletion of fossil fuels has been a major problem for the human race in the comming days. Researches to find proper alternative are still going on.

Biofuel has given some promising results, but it should be developed and used in a right manner. There is a major role of engineers in this process.Keeping this in mind LEADers shyam, sharath and team of SJMIT College organized awareness program for engineering students on behalf of international biofuel day with help of biofuel unit SJMIT.

 There was a session with Natraj.H.Desai, asst. conservator of social forestry department, Sridhar chief coordinator of biofuel unit chitradurga and Dr.Chitrashekar, executive director of SJMIT.Guests enlightened the students about the importance and scope of biofuel in modern world and in the future .They also gave some keynotes to the budding engineers.

            LEAD students then planted 30+ biofuel plants
throughout the college campusAnd then a rally was organized in bus which ran on biodiesel produced from waste cooking oil. The rally was given a flag off start by the chief guests of the program, LEADers reached out to the common people throughout the city making them aware of the present day concerns of fossil fuel and scope of biodiesel.
The biggest challenge faced was to convey the purpose of the project effectively to the crowd.With this initiative the LEADers reached to more than 100 engineering students and also people of different areas of Chitradurga.


  This initiative was recognized and appreciated by the vijayvani newspaper.

The LEADers involved express the zeal to continue working and making the society aware about important factors that lead to the development of the nation.

Posted by :Shyam 
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