Posted on Saturday, August 13, 2016 by LEAD

"Knowledge is life and sharing it is a deed"

“Learning is knowledge absorbance that strikes the best of the learner”.

Grammar is the pillar of the command over one’s language all over the globe. We all learn languages as a subject or as a source to communicate but we at most forget how keen the rules of learning “Grammar” are. We often tend to make the unrealizable mistake in our conversation that may affect your command over the language. These small mistakes we commit always need to be rectified during our learning age, and hence our LEADer Keerthi Raykar from MES Commerce College Sirsi with LEADer Sambhram Mudalgiri realized how important language plays its role in our life.

She took an initiative to take grammar classes at a primary boy’s hostel where she came across the primary students who were in learning stage where they actually needed to learn few many aspects that helped them speak confidently. She worked over their basics and pronunciation which were the main points to figure out.About 80 boys actively showed their interest to learn, grow and explore their personal communication skills.Nevertheless this came up with so much of challenges to face.She had to know the kids a little more friendly so that she is been proved as a good teacher. As she is just a learning student, handling a huge bunch of kids was a big task which she thoroughly accepted and continued.

This turned out much more grasping and interactive among the kids as they were learning something new. Keerthi made sure that this learning class would have the seed of fun learning. So she included displaying the charts and examples to the students which helped them more to fit in the knowledge and implement in their language. She will be regularly brushing up the syllabus she tends to teach in future as she feels that this would help the students stand out confidently and have a good flow and hold over the Kannada language.

Keerthi looks forward to continuing this great deed of teaching as this is giving her more to learn because..

Posted by :Rasika Mangale
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1 Response to "TO TEACH IS TO LEARN "

Anonymous Says....

Es por eso que los mesopotámicos, tarjetas pascuas gratis una antigua comunidad cristiana que vive en un área apenas cubierta hoy por Iraq, Siria y Kuwait, solían teñir de rojo los huevos para simbolizar la sangre de Cristo.