Project: Automatic Operated Water Pump

Posted on Friday, December 14, 2012 by LEAD

LEADer: Nitinkumar Meghannavar
College: KLS Gogte Institute of Technology, Belgaum

Water plays a key role in human life. In some areas, water get wasted from overflow of the overhead tank. This depleted both the water resource as well as energy resource. To overcome this the team made an attempt to conserve the resources. It is most useful for people of the house, who face problems in switching on/off the pump at regular intervals of time. The water pump can be installed in old age homes, hospitals, hotels, hostel, and colleges. The team started the project with a proper plan, sketch of the equipment and the list of raw materials required. Convincing the residents of the house was a difficult task but after explaining the importance of the project, they gave their support. The purchase of materials, machining of materials and assembly were some of the activities done. But the main problem was the switch (one of the part of equipment), which the team was not able to find one that is suitable. To overcome this Nitinkumar and his team designed their own model and it worked, then after the installation of the equipment, they demonstrated it to the residents. The moment when the pump automatically turrned off, everyone present there was surprised and happy. They congratulated the team for their work. After the completion of this project many of the team's neighbours and friends were interested and ready to install it. As of now the team has seven orders from places including Chikodi, Dandeli and Sulebhavi.

2 Response to "Project: Automatic Operated Water Pump"

Unknown Says....

We are happy to inform that , the no. of orders has been increased to 17. Thanks to YUVA SUMIT 2013 for providing us a platform to exhibit our project. We will be fulfilled soon......