Speaker Session with Mr. Aravind Chinchure

Posted on Friday, April 12, 2013 by LEAD

On April 6th, 2013, over 60 students from SKSVMACET, KLEIT, REC, SDMCET, and BVB attended a speaker session with Mr. Aravind Chinchure.  Students traveled as far as 50 Kilometers on for a chance to interact and engage with Mr. Chinchure. 

Mr. Chinchure currently serves as Assistant Vice President of the highly regarded Reliance Innovation Leadership Centre of Reliance Industries Ltd.  He is also a member of the Sectoral Innovation Council of Ministry of Trade and Commerce, Government of India.  With extensive experience in research and development, intellectual property, innovation, investment, and business strategy, Mr. Chinchure speaks regularly at various companies, institutes, and events throughout India.  

Mr. Chinchure was drawn to speak to LEADers at the Deshpande Foundation in Hubli because of the achievements of the LEADers.  Mr. Chinchure felt especially inspired by the immense accomplishments of the LEAD team at KLEIT. Mr. Chinchure stated, “If this is the kind of activity that one college can do, what can happen in India in the future if all of the colleges come together?”
The topic of the session revolved around the importance of visible innovation in India.   Mr. Chinchure expanded upon a concept introduced by India Inside, a well-known book written by Nirmalya Kumar and Phanish Puranam.  According to Mr. Chinchure, “There is enough innovation taking place in India, but it is invisible to consumers around the world.”  Mr. Chinchure also addressed a grave concern among all Indians: that India is not innovating in the same way as the U.S. or Europe.  Mr. Chinchure confirmed that, while this is true, he does feel that India is at the start of becoming one of the world’s leading innovative countries.  He called upon the LEADers to take initiative on one of India’s biggest challenges, saying, “Who is going to start the future of innovation?  All of you [LEADers]…You [LEADers] are the people who met Ratan Tata.  I am sure you are going to bring about the innovative change.”

Mr. Chinchure also explained about India’s necessity for “Inclusive Innovation”, referring to the creation of products and solutions that “include” the “excluded”.  The four pillars of Inclusive Innovation include:

Mr. Chinchure claims that through the notions of ‘’including the excluded” and “getting more for less”, India can meets its innovative goals.  By citing inspiring examples of Indian entrepreneurs such as Anup Tapadia of Touch Magix, Sridhar Vembu of Zoho, and Gyanesh Pandey of Husk Power Systems, and more, Mr. Chinchure showed the students that solutions “do not need to be complex”, nor do they need appear within a “sophisticated incubator.”  Rather, Mr. Chinchure taught the students that “Just as every life is equal, every mind is innovative.”  Mr. Chinchure ascertains that through hard work and effective leadership “You can make extraordinary people out of ordinary people.”  

The session concluded with some interesting, yet difficult questions posed by students.  Mr. Chinchure welcomed these questions, saying that “Asking questions is extremely important when trying to be innovative.” One student asked, “We have lots of ideas, but when it comes to implementation, we just drop it.  What should be our mantra?”  To respond to this, Mr. Chinchure challenged students to work past the fear of failure that has been “engrained” in us, and to “Reinvent India’s glorious past” through efforts of innovation and entrepreneurship.  Another student asked, “India is a developing country.  What can youngsters do to change this?”.  Mr. Chinchure replied, “At least one generation will have to make sacrifices.  All of us have a role to play…All of us have to work really hard.”

Mr. Chinchure’s session provided the LEADers with a new perspective and motivated them to work towards a better India through innovation.  

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