Sanjay Nitave benefits 300+ individulas on Children's Day

Posted on Friday, December 05, 2014 by LEAD

LEader Sanjay Nitave from BPP College Kalamb, Pune took the initiative to organize a Swachh Bharat for International Children’s Day, in collaboration with Z.P. Primary School, 57 Chal. He organized the cleaning of garbage and plastic in areas around the school, as the emphasis was on the importance of cleanliness and hygiene for children. Following this theme, a local doctor came to visit the children. He offered a medical check-up, medicine and injections if required, as well as education on how to stay healthy and fit, all free of charge. Parents and community members were amazed to see this student-run awareness campaign have so much of an impact.

The schools’ administration was very supportive of the event, and there was a great response by students as well. Fun games commenced the grand event which, in one day, touched 300+ individuals.


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