Project: Insured and Assured!

Posted on Thursday, October 13, 2011 by LEAD

Project Leader: Mallikarjun
Team: Jaydev
College:  Ayurvedic College
Date: 21 January 2011
Place: 8 villages in Bijapur.
After noticing that the villages close to Bijapur had very little information about insurance, Mallikarjun decided to create awareness about the issue. Insurance is an important requirement and people from small villages are unaware about it, and Mallikarjun is of the opinion that people should see the importance. 
 However, he knows that with hidden costs and expenses, private insurance companies are troublesome. The concept of Postal Life Insurance (PLI) and its advantages struck Jaydev, who suggested this to Mallikarjun. Postal Insurance has a very low investment beginning from Rs. 10. The team addressed people in 8 villages: Honnavar, Kaulgi, Sarwad,Hegyal and few others around Bijapur. Nearly 85 people have opted for PLI and are happy with the decision. They are assured that the Postal Department, unlike other private insurance companies, will not create too many complications during the claiming process. 
Although Mallikarjun and Jaydev had to speak to the village elder to get permission, it was all easy after that. They asked Mr. S.C. Patil, a FDC at the post office, to come with them to help people understand the process of applying for PLI.

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