LEADer from BK College Paints Speed Brakes to Improve Road Safety

Posted on Sunday, September 15, 2013 by LEAD

B K College Chikodi LEADer Pradeep Khot, went to his village on a holiday. While walking on the roads in the night, he observed that the vehicles were coming too fast and then taking a bump. There were speed brakes on the roads, but they were not visible from a distance, and Pradeep realized that this could be very dangerous. He decided to solve this problem by painting the speed brakes to make them visible. He identified several speed brakes and painted them with bright white paint to make them visible to distant vehicles. Pradeep completed this project in two days. His initiative has saved lot of people from getting injured. Because of his initiative, people of the village are also happy and have promised to support him in any future projects he wishes to take up in the village. Pradeep is happy that he could come with such an idea which can be helpful to many people. 


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