Chikodi LEADer Helps 30 Villagers Apply for Aadhaar Cards

Posted on Sunday, September 15, 2013 by LEAD

Rekha Nilappagol, a LEADer of Women's College Chikodi, thought of doing something for the people of her village. She of providing Aadhaar Cards for the people of village. An Aadhaar Card is a beneficial government facility, but many people are unaware as to how to fill the out application forms in order to get a card. Rekha thought to help her village by helping the people acquire Aadhaar Cards. She went to the homes of villagers and asked them to give their details in order to fill the application forms. People were impressed by her initiative agreed to give their details. Rekha was able to collect the details of 30+ people and has submitted the forms to the authorities. Rekha is happy that she could do something for her village people and she considers herself a LEADer for taking up this project and is thankful to LEAD for providing her the platform to help her community.

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